7/7/2023, 12:01:00 PM
The timezone settings should be careful when the application server across different timezones. There are at least 3 different level of timezone settings
For reducing system complexity, all date time value save in UTC to storage would be a choice. But sometimes we might ignore that Application level timezone settings (including database itself). For example, the following result would be different when the storage timezone setting is different
Model.where("`datetime_column` > NOW()")
Reference to MySQL document. When column type is DATETIME, the value is saved in UTC. However, NOW()
returns based on timezone configuration. There are few way to avoid this kind of issues.
or other timezone independent functions.Model.where("datetime_column", ">", Time.zone.now())
The session time zone setting affects display and storage of time values that are zone-sensitive. This includes the values displayed by functions such as NOW() or CURTIME(), and values stored in and retrieved from TIMESTAMP columns. Values for TIMESTAMP columns are converted from the session time zone to UTC for storage, and from UTC to the session time zone for retrieval.
The session time zone setting does not affect values displayed by functions such as UTC_TIMESTAMP() or values in DATE, TIME, or DATETIME columns. Nor are values in those data types stored in UTC; the time zone applies for them only when converting from TIMESTAMP values. If you want locale-specific arithmetic for DATE, TIME, or DATETIME values, convert them to UTC, perform the arithmetic, and then convert back.
source: https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/time-zone-support.html
read session timezone setting
SELECT @@session.time_zone;
// example output: SYSTEM
read session timezone setting
SELECT @@global.time_zone;
// example output: SYSTEM
read system timezone setting
SELECT @@global.system_time_zone;
// example output: UTC
returns the current date and time in the configured time zone
// example output: 2023-07-05 07:31:49
returns the current date and time in UTC
// example output: 2023-07-05 07:33:20
# server timezone Asia/Taiepi
# config.time_zone = "UTC" in Application.rb
timestamp = 1688659140000
Time.at(timestamp / 1000).to_datetime
# Thu, 06 Jul 2023 23:59:00 +0800 (server timezone)
Time.zone.at(timestamp / 1000).to_datetime
# Thu, 06 Jul 2023 15:59:00 +0000 (config timezone)
solution1: add timezone: "Asia/Taiepi
in database.yml
solution2: add init_command: SET @@SESSION.time_zone = "Asia/Taipei"
# current time: 2023-07-06 07:38:31 UTC
# config.time_zone = "Asia/Taipei"
# config.active_record.default_timezone = :utc
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query("SELECT NOW()")
# <ActiveRecord::Result:0x00007faa40c69ed0 @columns=["NOW()"], @rows=[[2023-07-06 07:38:31 UTC]], @hash_rows=nil, @column_types={}>
# current time: 2023-07-06 07:38:31 UTC
# config.time_zone = "Asia/Taipei"
# config.active_record.default_timezone = :local
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query("SELECT NOW()")
# <ActiveRecord::Result:0x00007faa40c69ed0 @columns=["NOW()"], @rows=[[2023-07-06 07:38:31 +08:00]], @hash_rows=nil, @column_types={}>
# current time: 2023-07-06 08:44:47 UTC
# config.time_zone = "Asia/Taipei"
# config.active_record.default_timezone = :utc
# init_command: SET @@SESSION.time_zone = "Asia/Taipei" in database.yml
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.exec_query("SELECT NOW()")
# <ActiveRecord::Result:0x00007f8e925f6ba8 @columns=["NOW()"], @rows=[[2023-07-06 16:44:47 UTC]], @hash_rows=nil, @column_types={}>
solution: add options.timezon = '+08:00'
// options.timezone = '+00:00',
let output;
output = await sequelize.query("SELECT NOW()")
// [
// [ TextRow { 'NOW()': 2023-07-07T03:08:32.000Z } ],
// [ TextRow { 'NOW()': 2023-07-07T03:08:32.000Z } ]
// ]
output = await sequelize.query("SELECT @@session.time_zone;")
// [
// [ TextRow { '@@session.time_zone': '+00:00' } ],
// [ TextRow { '@@session.time_zone': '+00:00' } ]
// ]
// options.timezone = '+08:00',
let output;
output = await sequelize.query("SELECT NOW()")
// [
// [ TextRow { 'NOW()': 2023-07-07T03:08:32.000Z } ],
// [ TextRow { 'NOW()': 2023-07-07T03:08:32.000Z } ]
// ]
output = await sequelize.query("SELECT @@session.time_zone;")
// [
// [ TextRow { '@@session.time_zone': '+08:00' } ],
// [ TextRow { '@@session.time_zone': '+08:00' } ]
// ]
solution1: add serverTimezone=UTC
to jdbc url
for {
output1 <- runReadonlyMysqlQuery(sql"SELECT @@session.time_zone".as[String])
_ = system.log.debug("[TEST] output1: {}", output1)
output2 <- runReadonlyMysqlQuery(sql"SELECT NOW()".as[String])
_ = system.log.debug("[TEST] output2: {}", output2)
} yield {}
// DEBUG [2023-07-07 11:34:00,980] akka.actor.ActorSystemImpl: [TEST] output1: Vector(SYSTEM)
// DEBUG [2023-07-07 11:34:00,994] akka.actor.ActorSystemImpl: [TEST] output2: Vector(2023-07-07 03:34:01.0)
solution2: add connectionTimeZone=UTC&forceConnectionTimeZoneToSession=true
for {
output1 <- runReadonlyMysqlQuery(sql"SELECT @@session.time_zone".as[String])
_ = system.log.debug("[TEST] output1: {}", output1)
output2 <- runReadonlyMysqlQuery(sql"SELECT NOW()".as[String])
_ = system.log.debug("[TEST] output2: {}", output2)
} yield {}
// DEBUG [2023-07-07 11:34:00,980] akka.actor.ActorSystemImpl: [TEST] output1: Vector(SYSTEM)
// DEBUG [2023-07-07 11:34:00,994] akka.actor.ActorSystemImpl: [TEST] output2: Vector(2023-07-07 03:34:01.0)
solution3: add connectionInitSql= "SET @@SESSION.time_zone = 'UTC'"
for {
output1 <- runReadonlyMysqlQuery(sql"SELECT @@session.time_zone".as[String])
_ = system.log.debug("[TEST] output1: {}", output1)
output2 <- runReadonlyMysqlQuery(sql"SELECT NOW()".as[String])
_ = system.log.debug("[TEST] output2: {}", output2)
} yield {}
// DEBUG [2023-07-07 11:34:00,980] akka.actor.ActorSystemImpl: [TEST] output1: Vector(SYSTEM)
// DEBUG [2023-07-07 11:34:00,994] akka.actor.ActorSystemImpl: [TEST] output2: Vector(2023-07-07 03:34:01.0)
//connectionInitSql = "SET @@SESSION.time_zone = 'Asia/Taipei'"
for {
output1 <- runReadonlyMysqlQuery(sql"SELECT @@session.time_zone".as[String])
_ = system.log.debug("[TEST] output1: {}", output1)
output2 <- runReadonlyMysqlQuery(sql"SELECT NOW()".as[String])
_ = system.log.debug("[TEST] output2: {}", output2)
} yield {}
// DEBUG [2023-07-07 11:34:45,239] akka.actor.ActorSystemImpl: [TEST] output1: Vector(Asia/Taipei)
// DEBUG [2023-07-07 11:34:45,636] akka.actor.ActorSystemImpl: [TEST] output2: Vector(2023-07-07 11:34:46.0)