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SSL issue after upgrading MySQL

8/8/2023, 2:37:00 PM

###### tags: `db` After upgrading MySQL server, you might have the following error messgae in your

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Use Apache Airflow to manage cron jobs

7/21/2023, 12:48:00 PM

###### tags: `airflow` `cronjob` ## What is Apache Airflow > Apache Airflow™ is an open-source platf

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Timezone in different level (data, session, system)

7/7/2023, 12:01:00 PM

###### tags: `db` The timezone settings should be careful when the application server across differe

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Branch strategies

7/1/2023, 2:49:00 AM

###### tags: `tech` `git` ## What is GitFlow? <div style="text-align:center"> <img src="https://

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Sidekiq logging

6/29/2023, 3:59:00 PM

###### tags: `ruby` ## How to set Sidekiq log level to debug? ```ruby Sidekiq.configure_server do |

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從Javascript面試題目學習Equality comparisons

1/29/2018, 2:04:44 PM

最近同事分享了一個#Stackoverflow 上看到的#Javascript 面試題目,原文作者在某間公司面試時,面試官問他 "Is it ever possible that (a ==1 &&

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Collaborating by git

11/28/2017, 11:42:51 AM

When developing a project with others, there are some steps we should do before send pull request. L

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Dockerize RoR webapp

11/27/2017, 12:19:40 PM

(**This tutorial doesn't include Database setup and RoR development.**) Cause we want to move our #

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5 JavaScript Books for good start

8/7/2017, 3:14:41 PM

Here are some #JavaScript #books I've read and I think it would be a good for you when you are #lear

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Free port in MAC

8/5/2017, 3:51:03 PM

Sometimes, when we are developing a server #program , the #port may be occupied because we abnormal

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Javascript call by value

7/10/2017, 2:39:39 PM

### Pass primitive type to function In #Javascript , it always pass a copy of value to the function

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Object.create and Object.assign

7/10/2017, 1:42:37 PM

先看一下#Object.create 和#Object.assign 在#MDN 的說明: >The Object.create() method creates a new object with

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A special output of Chrome console.log Object

7/10/2017, 1:37:02 PM

There is a surprise output in #chrome #console when I test Object.create demo. Below is the #code

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Send mail by Mailchimp

7/10/2017, 1:33:47 PM

>Mailchimp : []( > >免費用戶 >- 最多可以有2,000訂閱者 >- 每月12,000封電

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Fibonacci number

7/10/2017, 1:20:54 PM

最近看的文章中,有兩篇[1][2]剛好都提到#Fibonacci_number ,其中一篇用了#DP 的做法,自己也試著推導一次,順便記錄下來。 >Fibonacci number: > >0,

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CCU Ecourse Notifier - Ecourse FB通知器

7/4/2017, 2:48:11 PM

在看完『[SITCON 2014] 當 PHP 與 Facebook API 相遇 - 聽。風』的talk之後,就一直很想試試#Facebook_API ;剛好,又對網路爬蟲 (#Crawler )非

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Happy Lazy - 遙控插座

7/4/2017, 2:49:09 PM

每次冬天一到,就會開始趕快躲進被子裡。 這時候悲劇就發生了,一旦進入被子裡面就不想再移動,此時,如果房間的電燈開關又不床邊就很麻煩。 於是在學過#Arduino 的基礎之下,決定自幹一個手機遙控開

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